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Senin, 17 Mei 2010


Sypnosis :

A woman who is like a silvery, flawless pearl plans to get revenge!
Hong Yeon-shi grew up poor but was always a cheerful girl who had a positive outlook on life.
Her marriage to Lee Byung-joo, president of a lingerie company, ends in a bitter divorce.
While investigating her mother's death she learns that her mother-in-law was involved in having her mother killed
but she is kidnapped before she can find further clues. With Roh Soo-ri's help, she is able to escape the nursing home where she was locked up.
Yeon-shi then plots revenge against her ex-husband and his mother!

CAST : Kim Kyu Ri,Lee Ji Hoon,Won Ki Joon,Park Ha Sun,Yoo Gun

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